Tuesday, May 21, 2019

You're 2!

Dear sweet baby of mine,
I can hardly believe that this day has come, and come so fast!! You’re 2! 

When I look at you I find myself reflecting over the past 24 months and thinking about just how much our lives have changed-yours, mine, and daddy’s.

Looking back, your first year was full of focusing on you meeting milestones, you were here, finished wiggling around in my tummy, but you still felt very much like a part of me. Each day was focused on moving a little bit closer to the next goal. The goals were developmental, physical, cognitive, social, language, etc. But after your first birthday, it felt like a shift occurred. Your second year of life feels like the focus was placed much more on you developing your own identity, separate from me, and boy has it been a ride. You have morphed from a tiny helpless baby to a tenacious toddler. You have developed several interests and (very strong) dislikes. You have opinions and aren’t afraid to express them. You are infatuated with all things Elmo. You have adopted your own sense of style. And unlike me and daddy, you are quite the extrovert. You are beautiful, my child, and some of these things I pray never ever change. 

Before I became your mama, I don’t think I really ever realized how hard and how fast I would fall in love with you. Then I became your mama, and I still cannot believe that there is still room for my love to grow bigger, deeper, and stronger as the days continue to pass by. Don’t get me wrong, parenting has taught me a lot more about the depth and meaning of unconditional love. It’s also taught me that I am far from perfect. You challenge me, my patience, and my house has never been messier, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! You have helped me grow personally and professionally, you have taught me the importance of setting healthy boundaries and focusing on the things that really matter. You have taught me how to advocate and stand up for things that I feel strongly about. Most of all I am thankful God blessed me with a son like you-a piece of my heart I didn't even know I was missing. I consider myself blessed each and every day to be the person you call mommy. I hope you can look back on this life feeling secure and confident that this mama bear has got your back-no matter what. 

Your daddy says that, “the biggest thing you taught me is perspective. Before you were born, I was unsure what I wanted to do with my life. Which career I would want to steer my life into. But that day I saw you in the hospital, and every day afterwards, I have known exactly what I want to be. And that is your dada. As you grow up, you will learn that life has its cycles and you will want to learn little things from each cycle. Marrying your mama has taught me that I can be loved and becoming your dada has taught me that love can be unconditional. No matter what you do in life, you will always have a dada there to support you. I am your biggest fan. I am not the biggest person on emotions but watching you grow up has been the best thing in my life. Mama and dada are proud of you kid, and we can’t wait to see where you go in life. Your kindred spirit will get you far and I hope that you will be able to blend both mine and your mama’s personalities because then you will have a perfect mix.”

Here lately, what I’m realizing is, you’re not just covered by my love for you, or your daddy’s, but when we celebrated your birthday this past weekend, I looked around at a whole bunch of people crammed into a hot picnic shelter who love you. At 2 years old you are already impacting so many people around you in positive ways. You’re pretty remarkable, kiddo.

This world may be filled with big, scary, terrible things, but I challenge you to always find the happy. Your smile lights up the world-people tell me all the time. I hope you will always find and focus on your little slice of happy. Continue to find joy in the simple, every day things that others take for granted-it's your natural gift. 

children are not a distraction from more important work. they are the most important work -c.s. lewis

making the decision to have a child--it's momentous. it is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body -elizabeth stone

kids make life the best kind of busy

having a 2 year old is like having a blender without a lid -jerry seinfeld

spread love wherever you go. let no one ever come to you without leaving happier -mother teresa

Happy birthday, Nolan. We love you more than any words could ever describe!

Mama and Daddy

Photo Credit: Mary Gorry Photography http://www.marygorryphotography.com/ 

Nolan's Shirt Credit: Peace Love Paisley https://www.etsy.com/shop/PeaceLoveandPaisley

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, loving words Lora and Kevin! Nolan, you do have a smile that lights up the world, everyone is right, but what they do not know is the loving spirit behind it. He has the warmest hugs and the most amazing dance moves ever! He is a bright light in my day every day. Thanks for sharing that wonderful boy with me!
