Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

how was your mother's day weekend?????

My weekend was absolutely fantastic even though I'm not a mother.  I certainly hope to be some day if God blesses me with children.  

Kevin and I spent Friday evening at a baseball game.  Baseball is something that Kevin and I share.  We love the sport and spend most of our time together watching or talking about baseball. I'm so glad I have a man who appreciates my love of the game.   

Friday's game was followed up with some lovely fire works.  Which we snuggled to and sang the country music that was played in the background.  

Spending time in the car with Kevin is one of my most favorite things.  In the short 3 months that we've been together we have spent a lot of time in the car driving to and from Charlotte, NC (where the majority of Kevin's family lives and where he grew up).  I'm so thankful for the conversations we share while one of us is behind the wheel.  
Anyway, we drove to Charlotte this past mother's day weekend to meet Kevin's brand new nephew and celebrate his sister's first mother's day as well as Kevin's mom.  

So I start by introducing you to this precious precious little red headed boy, 

Wesley Ford 

Kevin has told me that he has very little experience with babies, but he was a natural.  


There really is nothing like seeing the man you love look at a baby like that.  

I enjoyed my fair share of snuggling with the little guy too.  

I also enjoyed a tour of the award winning rose garden that Kevin's PawPaw maintains in their yard.  PawPaw said that we came a smidge too early to see some pretty flowers, since this spring's weather has been so unpredictable, but I saw some pretty flowers anyway...not sure what he's talking about.  

Hopefully we can get back sometime later in the summer when there are more flowers.  I'd really like to see them again while they're in bloom!!  

Overall I had a great weekend, but I wasn't able to celebrate with my family until tonight.  I only snapped two decent pictures, the rest were pictures of my nieces and I acting crazy (which I have more than my fair share of).  
 (my dad and precious 92 year old grandmother)
(Kevin and I before dinner)

I hope you all had a restful and relaxing mother's day.  If you are a mother I hope you felt appreciated and loved.  Lord knows you deserve it.  I don't know what being a mother is like, but I know it isn't an easy job.  
Tell me--what did you do?  


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