Thursday, May 9, 2013


Well hello there, blogging world. I have found myself sitting in front of the computer again with the cursor flashing and I'm staring at a blank, white screen.
Keeping journals and blogging have always been a hobby I've been terrible at upholding.  It seems I start, get through a few entries and the remaining pages of the journal are blank or the date gets further and further from the "last date logged in".

Yet here I sit, with a new blog, a new blog name, a fresh start, another attempt.

I guess I am starting this because I want to have a way to document my life somehow.  Something different from facebook, twitter, and instagram.  My trips, my loved ones, my thoughts, my opinions, my adventures, my crafts, the good times and the bad times.

I'm really not expecting too many followers. I never have been an eloquent writer or speaker and my 'jibber jabber' may not be too entertaining to the average person, but I appreciate those who may read or comment, or offer their two cents in regards to the words I've posted.

Does anyone have advice for this blogger?  The blogger who never sticks with it, but has always dreamed of having a blog that people chomp at the bit to see if there's a new post?  Your love is much appreciated.


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