Sunday, September 22, 2013

Baby Adeline Elaine Farnell

It's been awhile.  I realize this.  The latter part of the summer has been spent enjoying life, starting a new job, and trying to relax as much as I can.

On August 27, 2013 a dear friend and coworker of mine, Stephanie, gave birth to a precious little girl. I spent countless hours harassing her husband for updates. After DAYS of having contractions little Adeline Elaine made her debut and the world has definitely become a better place.  

I've seen little Adeline a few times since she made her first appearance and Stephanie is patient enough with me to watch me googoo and gaga over her new mini me. 

Stephanie and Eric may be my most favorite people in this world.  They love the Lord, have the most incredible humor, are crazy about each other, and now they have the most precious little family I think I've ever seen.  

I bought a camera yesterday after giving my dad my 'point and shoot' camera.  Working a second job has come in handy for a little bit of extra spending money.  I am blessed for that!

Kevin and I stopped after church today for my very first attempt at a newborn photoshoot.  Below are about a million photos of my first attempt.  Don't judge me too much, I'm definitely an amateur.  It's HARD to shoot a newborn, especially one who had a really hard time falling asleep, but we finally got it!  

When I first got there she was WIDE eyed.  No sleeping for this girl anytime soon. 

 Daddy, you got a tattoo for me????

 As an aside, Stephanie and Eric also house one of my favorite dogs, Gus.  He might be the cutest thing in the entire world.  I still can't believe he's 10.  He was my bud through the whole thing and has become the worlds best big brother!  He loves his sister.  
This first picture also shows Kevin who is the best boyfriend, tolerating my hours of googoo and gaga over this baby.  (hehe)

Back to the subject!

While baby was having a hard time, I took it upon myself to photograph random things in her room.  

 Still awake, but getting VERY sleepy.

More room shots:




Stephanie and Eric, thank you for sharing this precious miracle with me for a day.  I am so thankful to God for blessing your family with a precious little girl.  I appreciate your patience with me as I invaded your home.  I hope you find some keepers out of these.  
Love you both and your baby girl (and Gus man too)


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