Sunday, January 26, 2014

Our Proposal Story

SOOOO, we're engaged!! I can hardly believe that I am so lucky to be able to say that and be Kevin's fiancé. God has blessed me so much with such a wonderful, godly man.
I would like to take a quick second to say thank you so much for everyone's support, kind words, encouragement, hugs, phone calls, texts, Facebook comments and likes, instagram comments and likes.  Your words mean so much to us and we cannot wait to start our lives as Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rogers.
Among the congratulations, I have had a million requests to hear: the proposal story and an upclose picture of the ring. I leaked pictures of the ring on instagram yesterday, (if you don't follow me, you should-lix87) but now you have come to the right place to see pictures.

Kevin and I have come a long way from this blog post, if you want to read the story of how we met from mine and his perspective. HOORAY!

The Proposal:
Kevin and his sweet self came to my house after work on Friday after we had been planning to go to Mellow Mushroom for dinner nearly all week. I drove (it was part of the deal because Kevin hates driving in downtown areas) It's part of the package of being with him--before you get the wrong idea, I get carsick, so it works out well. We got out of the car and I started walking toward the restaurant. Bear in mind it was about 12 degrees so I was ready to get inside (who could blame me, right?!). Kevin tapped me and was like, no, let's go this way.  So we walked up the steps into the American Tobacco Campus, the former home of Lucky Strike.  It's a very historic area of Durham and has been renovated to have a river running through the middle of the entire thing.

However, because it is 12 degrees outside the river has been turned off. It's okay though, it is still one of my favorite spots to wander and still very beautiful in the freezing cold.  Many, many things have been celebrated in this area for me, several birthdays, anniversaries, several of mine and Kevin's date nights, graduations, getting a first job, the home of my favorite minor league baseball team (which is right next door), etc.
So, we walked and walked and walked in the frigid temperatures to my favorite spot in Durham.

A part of this precious historic area that is off the beaten path which overlooks the fountain (when it's running) and a train. When the fountain is running it is noisy and it's a place I love to sit and just reflect.  This is also the place I celebrated my 25th birthday, alone, at midnight.

On this day though, Friday, January 24th 2014, it is a place that became even more special to me.  It's a place where Kevin told me how much he loves me, how much he desires to spend his life with me and only me, how much he wants to create a family together, to come home to me every day, for it to be us forever.  He waited a second, we looked around and took in the moment. Then, I cried a little as he got down on one knee and said the four words I've been dreaming of hearing him say..."will you marry me?"  Four simple words that mean so much.  Of course I said yes!  We hugged and kissed and tried to keep each other warm.
He put a beautiful, sparkly, ring on my finger.  One that has 88 diamonds on it.  87 small (to symbolize the year I was born) adding one more (88, to symbolize the year Kevin was born). Yes, he's younger than me :).

This is stock photo, which shows it with the matching wedding band, which will also be mine in a few months:

I couldn't be more happy.  We are and were completely elated to share this moment with our family. As we waited for a table at Mellow Mushroom (one of our favorite restaurants) we took turns calling loved ones and hugging and kissing as our hands were turning into icicles. I couldn't call my dad, because he was working so we had to wait for that.  He knew though, because my sweet, precious, patient, brave man sat down and asked for my dad's blessing earlier that week. On this night we took time spent together, prayed together, thanked God for our life together, ate delicious food, held hands a lot, looked at my ring a lot, laughed til our bellies hurt, shared the news with our waitress, family, and close friends, hugged and kissed a lot, and just enjoyed the night.

And that my friends, is the second beginning of our love story =) We have so much life ahead of us and hope to fill it with nothing but love. We thank you so much for sharing in our excitement and for being so wonderful.  We love you all.

Kevin and Lora
(The Soon To Be Mr. and Mrs. Rogers)

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